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Code Licence and citations

Py-SPHViewer is under GNU GPL v3 licence, and was started by Alejandro Benitez-Llambay. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty.

Individuals or organizations that use Py-SPHViewer are encourage to cite the code.

If Py-SPHViewer has been significant for a research project that leads to a publication, please acknowledge by citing the project and using the following DOI as reference:

Alejandro Benitez-Llambay. (2015). py-sphviewer: Py-SPHViewer v1.0.0. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.21703

You may also use the the following BibTex:

 author       = {Alejandro Benitez-Llambay},
 title        = {py-sphviewer: Py-SPHViewer v1.0.0},
 month        = jul,
 year         = 2015,
 doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.21703},
 url          = {}

Some of the scientific papers that used Py-SPHViewer are listed here