In this exercise, you have access to MUSE datacubes of bright OII emitters. These have already been reduced and centered around the relevant source. Your task is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import glob
To carry out (1), we write a helper class that can handle the relevant MUSE datacube data
# We define a helper class to handle the datacube
class muse_file():
def __init__(self, filename):
current_cube =
#flux in electron counts
self.flux = current_cube[0].data
#variance as reported by the intrument
self.var = current_cube[1].data
#header with useful information
self.header = current_cube[0].header
#dimensions of the cube, self.ny, self.nx = self.flux.shape
#zero point for wavelength and space.
self.l0 = self.header["CRVAL3"]
self.x0 = self.header["CRVAL1"]
self.y0 = self.header["CRVAL2"]
#Spatial sampling in arcsec
self.dx = self.header['CD2_2'] * 60 * 60
self.dy = self.header['CD2_2'] * 60 * 60
#Wavelength sampling is done every 0.125 A
self.dl = self.header["CD3_3"]
self.l = self.l0 + np.arange(0,,1)*self.dl
self.x = self.x0 + np.arange(0,self.nx,1)*self.dx
self.y = self.y0 + np.arange(0,self.ny,1)*self.dy
Next, we become familiar with the data (Task 1) and extract the spectrum considering the uncertainties (Task 2), for the whole sample.
input_files = glob.glob('../MUSECubes/OII/*.fits')
fig = plt.figure(1,figsize=(10,10), tight_layout=True)
axes = [fig.add_subplot(int(len(input_files)/2)+1,2,i+1) for i in range(len(input_files))]
for input_file, ax in zip(input_files, axes):
cube = muse_file(input_file)
#Get the stack:
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
#uncertainty associated with the stack
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
ax.errorbar(cube.l, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength / A')
in which the units of the y-axis is (10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$)
For task 3 we need to find the line profile and transform the spectrum's wavelength into relative velocity with respect to the peak of the Ly-alpha line. To show how this can be done, we consider a simple worked example: ("oii_cube1.fits")
cube = muse_file('../MUSECubes/OII/oii_cube1.fits')
#Get the stack
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
sigma_spec = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = cube.l[kmax]
c = 3e5 #km /s
delta_v = c*(cube.l-lmax)/lmax
plt.errorbar(delta_v, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
plt.xlabel(r'$\rm \Delta v [km / s]$')
plt.ylabel('Flux / 10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$')
Next, we carry out 4 and 5 simultaneously.
We aim to produce a surface brightness profile of the data cube, centred at the OII emission and maximise the S/N ratio.
If we stack the image within the entire velocity range, the signal per pixes becomes:
$f(x,y)=\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} f_{v_{i}}(x,y)$,
where the summation is done over the velocity range.
The uncertainty associated with the stack is thus:
$\sigma_{f} = \sqrt{\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} Var(v_{i})}$.
The signal to noise at the location $(x,y)$ is:
S/N = $\displaystyle\frac{f(x,y)}{\sigma_{f}}$.
If the signal is small beyond some velocity, it is clear that the S/N will deacrese. Thus, we expect the existence of an optimal velocity width that maximises the S/N. Our goal is to find a velocity window that maximises the S/N.
cube = muse_file('../MUSECubes/OII/oii_cube1.fits')
#Get the stack
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = cube.l[kmax]
c = 3e5 #km /s
delta_v = c*(cube.l-lmax)/lmax
dv = delta_v[1]-delta_v[0]
#List to store the mean S/N of the image
SNs_mean = []
SNs_max = []
dvs = []
dvs_ids = []
for i in range(30):
#Velocity window size
dv_id = i
#Stack the image in velocity within the window
f = np.nansum(cube.flux[kmax-dv_id:kmax+dv_id+1,:,:], axis=0) * dv
#Calculate the uncertainty in the pixel
sigma_f = np.sqrt(np.nansum(cube.var[kmax-dv_id:kmax+dv_id+1,:,:], axis=0)) * dv
#Store a measure of the image's S/N (e.g., the average S/N, or the maxmimum).
dvs.append(2.0 * dv_id * dv)
idmax_SNs_mean = np.argmax(SNs_mean)
idmax_SNs_max = np.argmax(SNs_max)
plt.plot(dvs, SNs_mean/SNs_mean[idmax_SNs_mean], 'o-', label='mean S/N')
plt.plot(dvs, SNs_max/SNs_max[idmax_SNs_max], 'o-', label='max S/N')
plt.axvline(dvs[idmax_SNs_mean], color='C00', ls='--')
plt.axvline(dvs[idmax_SNs_max], color='C01', ls='--', label='Optimal velocity width')
plt.xlabel('Velocity width [km/s]')
plt.ylabel('S/N / Max(S/N)')
To understand what is going visually, consider the following
cube = muse_file('../MUSECubes/OII/oii_cube1.fits')
#Get the stack
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = cube.l[kmax]
c = 3e5 #km /s
delta_v = c*(cube.l-lmax)/lmax
dv = delta_v[1]-delta_v[0]
#Containers for the mean S/N of the image
SNs_mean = []
SNs_max = []
dvs = []
dvs_ids = []
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10), tight_layout=True)
axes = [fig.add_subplot(4,3,i+1) for i in range(12)]
#hand-picked windows
ii = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,14,20,22,25,28]
for i, ax in zip(ii, axes):
#Window size
dv_id = i
#Stack the image in velocity within the window
f = np.nansum(cube.flux[kmax-dv_id:kmax+dv_id+1,:,:], axis=0) * dv
#Calculate the uncertainty in the pixel
sigma_f = np.sqrt(np.nansum(cube.var[kmax-dv_id:kmax+dv_id+1,:,:], axis=0) ) * dv
#Store a measure of the image's S/N (e.g., the average S/N, or the maxmimum).
dvs.append(2.0 * dv_id * dv)
ax.imshow(f/sigma_f, origin='lower', extent=[cube.x[0],cube.x[-1],cube.y[0],cube.y[-1]], vmin=0,vmax=50)
ax.set_xlabel('Angular sep (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('Angular sep (arcsec)')
ax.set_title('dv=%.2f, Max(S/N)=%.2f'%((2.0*dv_id*dv), np.max(f/sigma_f)))