In this exercise, you have access to MUSE datacubes of bright Ly-alpha emitters. These have already been reduced and centered around the relevant source. Your task is:
6) Estimate the redshift to the sources:
Consider $f=\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} x_{i}$, in which $x_{i}$ has an associated uncertainty $\sigma_{i}$.
The uncertainty of $f$ can be calculated via:
$\sigma_{f}^2 = \displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \left | \displaystyle\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_{i}}\right |^2 \sigma_{i}^2 = \displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \sigma_{i}^2 = \displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} Var(x_{i})$,
where $Var(x_{i})$ is the variace of $x_{i}$.
The uncertainty of $f$ thus becomes:
$\sigma_{f} = \sqrt {\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} Var(x_{i})}$.
The muse datacubes have stored the intrinsic variance in the cell.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import glob
To carry out (1), we write a helper class that can handle the relevant MUSE datacube data
# We define a helper class to handle the datacube
class muse_file():
def __init__(self, filename):
current_cube =
#flux in electron counts
self.flux = current_cube[0].data
#variance as reported by the intrument
self.var = current_cube[1].data
#header with useful information
self.header = current_cube[0].header
#dimensions of the cube, self.ny, self.nx = self.flux.shape
#zero point for wavelength and space.
self.l0 = self.header["CRVAL3"]
self.x0 = self.header["CRVAL1"]
self.y0 = self.header["CRVAL3"]
#Spatial sampling in arcsec
self.dx = self.header['CD2_2'] * 60 * 60
self.dy = self.header['CD2_2'] * 60 * 60
#Wavelength sampling is done every 0.125 A
self.dl = self.header["CD3_3"]
self.l = self.l0 + np.arange(0,,1)*self.dl
self.x = self.x0 + np.arange(0,self.nx,1)*self.dx
self.y = self.y0 + np.arange(0,self.ny,1)*self.dy
Next, we become familiar with the data (Task 1) and extract the spectrum considering the uncertaintys (Task 2), for the whole sample.
input_files = glob.glob('../MUSECubes/Lya/*.fits')
fig = plt.figure(1,figsize=(10,10), tight_layout=True)
axes = [fig.add_subplot(int(len(input_files)/2)+1,2,i+1) for i in range(len(input_files))]
for input_file, ax in zip(input_files, axes):
cube = muse_file(input_file)
#Get the mean spectrum within the sampled spatial range:
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
#uncertainty associated with the stack
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
#Plot the extracted spectrum with 1-sigma error bars
ax.errorbar(cube.l, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength / A')
in which the units of the y-axis is (10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$)
For task 3 we need to find the line profile and transform the spectrum's wavelength into relative velocity with respect to the peak of the Ly-alpha line. To show how this can be done, we consider a simple worked example: ("lae_cube9.fits")
input_file = "../MUSECubes/Lya/lae_cube8.fits"
cube = muse_file(input_file)
#Get the mean spectrum within the sampled spatial range:
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
#uncertainty associated with stack
spectrum_var = np.sum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
#Find the Lya line:
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = cube.l[kmax]
fmax = spectrum_sum[kmax]
plt.errorbar(cube.l, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
plt.axvline(cube.l[kmax], ls='--')
plt.xlabel('Wavelength / A')
plt.ylabel('Flux / 10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$')
In this example, finding the flux's maximum does an excellent job of identifying the line. With the position of the line, we can now convert wavelength into velocity relative to the line and try to fit a single Gaussian profile
With the location of the line identified, we now transform the x-axis to velocity, and complete Tasks (4) and (5) by fitting one and two Gaussians to the data:
def gaussian(x, A, x0, sigma):
return A * np.exp(-0.5 * (x-x0)**2 / sigma**2)
c = 3e5 #km /s
delta_v = c * (cube.l-lmax)/lmax
params, pcov = curve_fit(
gaussian, delta_v, spectrum_sum, sigma=spectrum_sigma, p0=[1.0, 0.0, 100.0]
plt.errorbar(delta_v, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
plt.plot(delta_v, gaussian(delta_v, params[0], params[1], params[2]))
plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta V [km/s]$')
plt.ylabel('Flux / 10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$')
print("Single gaussian parameters:")
print(r" A = %.3f +- %.3f"%(params[0], np.sqrt(pcov[0][0])))
print(r" v0 = %.3f +- %.3f"%(params[1], np.sqrt(pcov[1][1])))
print(r" sigma= %.3f +- %.3f"%(params[2], np.sqrt(pcov[2][2])))
Single gaussian parameters: A = 703.180 +- 55.022 v0 = 19.577 +- 19.746 sigma= 217.135 +- 19.607
A single Gaussian profile does a god job of fitting the line. Still, there is a small excess in the tails
To fit two Gaussians, we shall consider a different example (lae_cube15.fits)
# We repeat the same excersice but now for two gaussians:
#This functions reuses the Gaussian defined above
def bigaussian(x, A1, x1, sigma1, A2, x2, sigma2):
return gaussian(x, A1, x1, sigma1) + gaussian(x, A2, x2, sigma2)
input_file = "../MUSECubes/Lya/lae_cube8.fits"
cube = muse_file(input_file)
#Get the stack:
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_var = np.nansum(cube.var, axis=(1,2))
spectrum_sigma = np.sqrt(spectrum_var)
#Find the Lya line:
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = cube.l[kmax]
fmax = spectrum_sum[kmax]
c = 3e5 #km /s
delta_v = c * (cube.l-lmax)/lmax
params, pcov = curve_fit(
bigaussian, delta_v, spectrum_sum, sigma=spectrum_sigma, p0=[800.0, 0.0, 100.0,800,-100.0,100.0]
plt.errorbar(delta_v, spectrum_sum, yerr=spectrum_sigma, capsize=3, color='k', drawstyle='steps-mid')
plt.plot(delta_v, gaussian(delta_v, params[0], params[1], params[2]), ls='--')
plt.plot(delta_v, gaussian(delta_v, params[3], params[4], params[5]), ls='--')
plt.plot(delta_v, bigaussian(delta_v, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]), color='k')
plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta V [km/s]$')
plt.ylabel('Flux / 10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $A^{-1}$')
print("Double gaussian parameters:")
print(r" (A1,A2) = (%.3f +- %.3f,%.3f +- %.3f)"%(params[0], np.sqrt(pcov[0][0]), params[3], np.sqrt(pcov[3][3])))
print(r" (v01,v02) = (%.3f +- %.3f,%.3f +- %.3f)"%(params[1], np.sqrt(pcov[1][1]), params[3], np.sqrt(pcov[4][4])))
print(r" (sigma1,sigma2) = (%.3f +- %.3f,%.3f +- %.3f)"%(params[2], np.sqrt(pcov[2][2]), params[5], np.sqrt(pcov[5][5])))
Double gaussian parameters: (A1,A2) = (539.771 +- 127.395,308.368 +- 110.311) (v01,v02) = (67.263 +- 22.645,308.368 +- 100.849) (sigma1,sigma2) = (119.545 +- 29.850,327.412 +- 63.405)
To solve the bonus excercise, we need to bring the observed spectrum to vacuum, for which we know the rest-fram Lya wavelength, 1215.67 A. The air to vaccum conversion is done using the following function:
def air2vac(wave):
sigma2 = (1e4/wave)**2.
fact = 1.+5.792105e-2/(238.0185-sigma2)+1.67917e-3/(57.362-sigma2)
return wave*fact
input_file = "../MUSECubes/Lya/lae_cube8.fits"
cube = muse_file(input_file)
#Get the mean spectrum within the sampled spatial range:
spectrum_sum = np.nansum(cube.flux, axis=(1,2))
l_vac = air2vac(cube.l)
#Find the Lya line:
kmax = np.argmax(spectrum_sum)
lmax = l_vac[kmax]
lya = 1215.67
c = 3e5 #km/s
redshift = (lmax-lya)/lya
print("Redshift of %s is z=%.2f"%(input_file, redshift))
Redshift of ../MUSECubes/Lya/lae_cube8.fits is z=3.13