Galaxy Evolution in Cosmic Structures A - Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Detailed Program:
The course is structured into four modules, designed to equip students with the essential skills needed to undertake a research project using numerical astrophysics techniques. While the focus will primarily be on cosmological simulations of galaxy formation, discussions on applying these techniques to other astrophysical problems will be encouraged.
- Module 1: Introduction to numerical simulations, with emphasis on cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. Topics include:
- Basics of numerical simulations and initial conditions
- Numerical techniques for integrating equations of motion and fluid dynamics
- Role of subgrid models in star formation processes
- Overview of current state-of-the-art numerical simulations
- Upcoming simulations of galaxy formation and key challenges in the field
This module includes hands-on exercises focused on analysing cutting-edge numerical simulations, simulating real-world research in numerical cosmology.
- Module 2: Cosmological initial conditions and existing codes for generating them. Key topics:
- Methods for generating cosmological initial conditions: Gaussian random field and power spectrum (using the MUSIC code)
- Determining feasible simulation sizes based on computational resources
- Running a simulation using the massively parallel GADGET-4 code
This module includes hands-on exercises in basic analysis of student-generated simulations, providing tools to assess validity and detect numerical errors. Necessary codes and a Docker environment will be provided to streamline workflow.
- Module 3: Advanced data structures to improve efficiency in large dataset analysis. Topics include:
- Linked Lists: Reducing complexity of spatial data searches within the simulation volume
- Hash Tables: Efficient cross-matching of data across temporal outputs in simulations
Students will engage in hands-on exercises to implement and apply these data structures, measuring speed improvements over standard algorithms.
- Module 4: Visualisation techniques for cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Key concepts:
- Particles in cells: Managing shot noise and the importance of data normalization
- Smooth maps: Generating smooth visual representations
- Clustering techniques for particles: Applying SPH techniques with the py-sphviewer code
- Simulation movies: Aspects such as movie length, frame rate, and interpolation
Hands-on exercises will use the py-sphviewer code on existing simulations, allowing students to explore various visualisation methods essential for measuring astrophysical properties.
- Basic understanding of cosmology and physics at the MSc level
- A laptop for participation in hands-on exercises
The course will consist of electronic presentations covering the key concepts of each module, followed by hands-on exercises. The course will run over four weeks, with two 2-hour lectures per week, completing each module within one week and allowing in-class time for exercises.
Textbook and Teaching Resources:
- Required materials (electronic presentations and shared files) will be provided during lessons.
- Simulation data and required software will be provided during lectures.
The course will be offered during the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, likely beginning in November.
Assessment Method:
Final assessment will consist of a written report summarising the findings of a proposed exercise, where students apply techniques studied throughout the course.
Office Hours:
By appointment